Beware of a new Locky-type ransomware

Disguising itself as an invoice proved to be an effective approach for the original Locky ransomware, which infected millions of users in 2016. Although it was mostly defeated, hackers are currently using a similar approach to spreading a new type of malware. In 2017, a new Locky ransomware is poised to duplicate the success of […]

What is Amazon AppStream 2.0?

Managing applications on-premise is expensive and inefficient. Today’s workforce is now more mobile than ever before, which is why businesses are investing in remote access solutions so their employees can access applications and documents whenever and wherever. Amazon AppStream 2.0 is one such solution, and here’s why it’s worth looking into. What is it? Initially […]

Move over IE, Hello Microsoft Edge!

Not all Windows users are fans of Internet Explorer, and not all Mac users are crazy about Safari. But there’s good news for Windows users: Windows 10 replaces IE with a brand new browser, Microsoft Edge. Here is a list of the key features you shouldn’t miss out on: Import favorites You can easily import […]

Make use of your ancient computer

Do you remember the days when your computer was struggling to catch up with all the tasks you had at hand? We don’t blame you if you’ve already dumped your desktop for a slicker model, but in case you have one or more collecting dust in your storage room, here are some ways to make […]

Grow your business with new Office 365 apps

Microsoft never fails to announce exciting new features for their products. In an effort to improve support for small- and medium-sized businesses, they introduced a series of new apps and enhancements for Office 365 during the Inspire conference in July. Some of the most notable upgrades include: Microsoft Connections Email marketing campaigns are a great […]

Are all hackers out to do harm? Not so fast

Newspaper headlines and Hollywood movies have influenced our understanding of computer hackers, but in the real world it’s not so simple. Some hackers are making tremendous contributions to the field of cyber security, it just depends on which hat they’re wearing that day. Take a few minutes to learn about white, black and gray hat […]

6 CRM best practices you need to know

Most companies have customer relationship management (CRM) software to help them keep track of contact information and purchase history. But having a large database is worthless if you’re not using it to build long-lasting relationships. To keep existing clients coming back and bring new ones in, follow these CRM best practices. Always update customer information […]

Google’s cloud platform receives an upgrade

As more and more businesses move their IT resources into the cloud, it’s no wonder that a company as big as Google is doing everything it can to upgrade the products it delivers over the internet. The search giant has at least 60 separate cloud services, and its most recent release makes them all faster. […]

Ways to protect your company mobile devices

Mobile devices can’t accomplish everything that desktops and laptops can, but that doesn’t mean they’re not important to businesses. More and more employees are using smartphones and tablets to increase productivity and enhance collaboration. But before you adopt a mobile device policy, you must keep them safe from cyber criminals. Cyber criminals now have more […]

Social media helps improve content

To truly understand their customers’ purchasing habits, all content marketers have to do is follow the clues left on social media platforms. By doing this, they can send the right content to the right audience and increase conversions and sales. Here’s what you need to know to utilize social media to your business’s advantage. Identify […]